End-to-end Examination Solutions

Highlight key features

Customizable test formats

Create Tailored Assessments that Fit Your Unique Requirements and Objectives

Real-time Analytics

Gain Immediate Insights with Real-Time Data Analysis for Better Decision-Making

Secure Delivery

Ensure Safe and Confidential Delivery of Information with Top-Level Security

Seamless integration

Effortlessly Integrate with Your Existing Systems for a Smooth, Unified Experience

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Indigenous Test Engine

A custom-built, in-house developed platform for creating, managing, and conducting assessments. Tailored to meet specific needs, it offers features such as customizable test formats, real-time analytics, secure delivery, and seamless integration with other systems, ensuring an efficient and streamlined examination process.

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Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) Test

An OMR test is a paper-based exam where candidates mark their answers by filling in bubbles or boxes using a pen or pencil. These answer sheets are then scanned for digital processing, enabling automated grading. OMR tests do not require internet access and are commonly used for multiple-choice questions, offering a fast, reliable, and efficient way to process large volumes of exams.

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Computer Based Test

An online CBT is conducted over the internet, allowing candidates to take the test remotely with instant feedback, automatic grading, and flexible timing. In contrast, an offline CBT is hosted on a Local Area Network (LAN), where candidates access the exam through connected devices without the need for internet access, ensuring a secure and controlled testing environment.

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Industries we Serve​

We offer assessments across Government, Corporate, Educational, Banking & Financial, and Healthcare sectors to evaluate skills, knowledge, and performance. Our solutions support organizations in optimizing recruitment processes, improving training programs, and ensuring compliance with industry standards. Focused on precision and effectiveness, we provide customized assessment tools tailored to the unique requirements of each sector.

Digital Evaluation System

Key Features

Quick Evaluation

Just 5 minutes to assess each script, ensuring fast turnaround times.

Accurate Processing

Result processing is error-free, delivering reliable and consistent outcomes.

Access Anytime, Anywhere

Examiners can evaluate from any location, offering flexibility and convenience.

Auto Mark Entry

Marks are automatically recorded, reducing manual errors and saving time.

Simplified Workflow

Streamlines the entire marking process for greater efficiency and ease.


ExperienceWith over 15 years of expertise, we bring in-depth industry knowledge and proven success in driving business transformation.

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